Monday, September 3, 2012

I know I have been a terrible blogger recently. I will try to do better now that I am catching up on everything. I am going to split this up between Alexandria and moving to when we actually got to the RAF (Residential and Academic Facility).

Last weekend didn't really hold anything special, so I'll just skip straight to Monday, Aug. 27. That was our last day of site visits. We went to ONE, the organization co-founded by Bono. They are all so passionate about what they're doing, and it was great to see that. After ONE we had an excellent lunch at Roti, a Mediterranean restaurant. If you're in D.C., definitely try it! Then we went to CSIS (Center for Strategic and International Studies). There we spoke with Andrew Schwartz, who is a fellow transplant Southerner from Louisiana. It was great to talk to someone who said "y'all" to us.

Then Tuesday was our last day in Alexandria. We had a final conversation discussions and took our class quiz. Then we started packing to say "adieu" to Alexandria on Wednesday.

Wednesday was our move day, and it looked like we were moving for a whole year, not just a semester. I had the most stuff, but I'd also like to think that part of that was because I didn't have any box to use like the others did because I did not ship anything. But we got here in the first wave of people. Lauren and I got to pick the room we wanted, as did the rest of the crew.

*Note: The images of ONE and Roti are from the respective websites. ( and )

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