Sunday, September 30, 2012

So I know that I am the most behind I have been since I started this thing. I'm not going all the way back, but let me back track to Saturday, Sept. 15. You know it's bad and been a long time when I have to put the actual date to distinguish which Thursday. Anyways, I'll put a quick synopsis and only dwell on the good stuff. So, allons-y! (For those who got the reference, you're welcome!)

sweet tea, potato salad and BBQ
banana pudding and sweet te

So Saturday, Sept. 15 was our first time to an alumni-sponsored TCU game-watching party. It was a lot of fun! And not only did I meet a lot of really cool alums, we also had some pretty decent Texas BBQ! I was skeptical at first, but it turned out to be pretty good. As you can see from the pictures, I got the chopped beef sandwich, potato salad, banana pudding, and of course sweet tea! And the sweet tea was real sweet tea, not the packaged stuff. And I got to keep the Mason jar the pudding was in.

Monday, Sept. 17 I just went into the office to meet with Dori and Andrea about the roller coaster story ideas.

Tuesday wasn't really anything special. It was just another work day, so I won't spend much time on it. I just did some research for NG Kids wild card ideas and continued checking the NG Little Kids wild card facts. And Tuesday I had a group of people over to have a hot dog night. It went really well! I was happy because I got to meet a few new people, see some other people I hadn't seen recently (Michael) and got to eat hot dogs and Bush's baked beans!

Zeus - one of my stories
Wednesday, Sept. 19 was the day Dori and I got the news from Rachel that we were going to be able to WRITE a department! Needless to say I am pretty excited that I get to do this, not only because I'm getting to write something for National Geographic Kids, but also because it's the Guinness World Records page. How cool is that?! So that was by far the highlight of the day, and my month is May 2013, which just so happens when I should be graduating!!

screencap of iPad app Oct. 2012
Thursday, Sept. 20 was just a regular old work day I suppose. I got to review the iPad app with Rachel. Unfortunately it was the October one with a huge spider on the Bet You Didn't Know (BYDK) page, but it was still cool. Then I got to take part in a big meeting where the staff discusses the app together. It was pretty cool!

NG Little Kids cover
Then Friday I finished up some true fact-checking research for Kay for the NG Little Kids wild cards. I actually emailed a couple experts, so it was a little nerve-wracking, but I got the answers I needed. Then I spent the rest of the day at the Holocaust Memorial Museum for TWC programming.

Then I went HOME!!! I'm putting my adventures from the Fort and on in the a post all its own.

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