Monday, October 22, 2012

Well I figure I should start with a clean slate on Monday, meaning I need to post something now before I go to bed.

Let's start with Thursday. A group of us left work early to visit the Renwick Gallery's "40 Under 40" exhibit. It was actually pretty cool to see some of the works of art some people can create, from a piece of quilt-looking art made out of 35 mm film or a chair that comes out of a flat piece of wall art to fold into a 3D full chair. I don't know if I'd try to actually sit in it, but it is a real, proper chair! And, of course, they had an "enlightenment" room and a yarn room, which was literally a room made out of yarn! It's always good when you can take something away from an art gallery. I truly walked away with something after I bought a blue/green necklace that was made out of fabric, so it was the lightest necklace I think I've ever felt. I wore it on Friday, and I actually forgot I was wearing it.

Friday was a usual day. I didn't do anything exciting because it was a gloomy, lazy day. After work I got home and finished catching up with "Once Upon a Time." It has become my new TV obsession! Now I can watch it at its regular time. If you haven't seen it, it's about all different fairy tale and children's storybook characters. I don't want to say too much in case anyone reading this wants to go watch it for themselves. (It's only on season 2 right now, so you still have time.) If you like fairy tales and children's stories with a little twist, you'll probably like this show!

Saturday I had a class trip to the Newseum and finally got to see the 9/11 exhibit. It is so emotional going through there. It has a video of journalists who were covering the attacks, a section of the broadcast antenna from the North Tower and the front pages of what seemed like every newspaper from around the world. The Newseum in general is a place everyone should visit while in D.C., if you get a chance. There's a lot to see, but it's all so interesting, whether you like the news or not! I mean, where else can you see a paper copy of the paper detailing the start of the Revolutionary War or the very first New York Times?

Then, of course, we had to watch the TCU game. Unfortunately it ended in a loss, but I guess I can't be too upset that the loss came in 3 over-times. Judging from that, I don't think anyone can say it was a very convincing loss. I do wish we'd won though. I couldn't watch the last quarter and a half because I left to go to the DC United game with my roommates and some of their friends. The game was a lot of fun! RFK Stadium could use some sprucing up, but it's not a bad stadium. It started out as a boring game, but once the teams started scoring, the place came alive. At first I found myself just kind of clapping, like I would at the end of a play's scene, but then it started becoming an exciting game. Soon I was getting anxious as the score was 2-1 with the Columbus Crew ahead. Then we tied it up. And then in the first minute of three minutes of stoppage time, DC scored it's third goal and went on to win the match 3-2! When that third goal hit the back of the net, I was jumping up and down with my hands in the air just like the scarf-wearing season ticket holders around me. I witnessed a truly great moment in the season as the win led DC onto the playoffs.

On our way back from the game, I ran in to Lisa from work, which was so random, but really cool also. Then, we just so happened to choose the same Metro car as a guy smoking a joint. Needless to say, we stayed on for as short a time as possible! Made for a true DC/city moment for sure.

Sunday was another pretty lazy day. From inside our apartment, it just looked like a winter day, even though it was nearly 70 degrees and sunny. The day just involved homework, football and grocery shopping. I tried to make my grandma's chicken fried steak strips. They weren't bad, especially for my first try, but they certainly didn't match the ones that she makes. I'm going to try again now that I think I know what I did wrong and what I should do next time.

Now it's time to start a new week!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

This past Friday Mariah and I went to the Dubliner to listen to music and watch the Cardinals-Nationals game. Then we came back to the RAF to finish watching the game, and well, you know how that game ended. It wasn't exactly the ending we were hoping for, but we watched it to the end nonetheless. The TBS announcers also decided to bring up Pujols' home run off Brad Lidge in 2005. Let's just say it did not bring back happy memories.

Newseum symposium
This past Saturday Mariah and I went to a symposium at the Newseum. The symposium was for a new type of e-book that includes videos (it's called an enhanced e-book). The author Rona Elliot presented her e-book, which is all about the Rolling Stones and specifically Mick Jagger and Keith Richards. The enhanced e-book is such a cool idea because it's like viewing a webpage while you're reading a book. 

After the symposium, we all went to the watch the TCU-Baylor game! That one ended a little bit better for us Horned Frogs! It was nice to see Boykin do well and to see the Frogs play the way I know they can! 

Sunday Rebecca and I went to the see "Perks of Being a Wallflower." It was actually a pretty good movie! It was an interesting mix of a nice and sad. It was really good. And I would agree with what the trailer says that it is the "Sixteen Candles" of my generation. Nothing can take the place of "Sixteen Candles," but this is that type of movie. 

Then it was back to the grind of work!
Ok, sorry, I know I've been terrible again! I'm just giving you the highlights so far. All through work days, it's pretty much the same with a few exceptions (I'll get to that!). But for the most part it's simply go to work, work, come back and do it again.

Postal Museum
On the first day of October, Mariah and I went to the Postal Museum. It sounds boring, but it was actually pretty cool! First of all, did you know the U.S. Postal Service has a mascot? It does! It's a dog that got tags from every post office he visited. I think he had been to just about every state and a few foreign countries also. Also, did you know the Titanic was a mail ship. RMS didn't mean Royal Majesty's Ship, it actually meant "Royal Mail Ship." The Hindenburg also had a lot of mail on board. Some of it was salvaged after its tragic final flight. I also got to sit in the cab of a U.S. Postal Service's big rig 18-wheeler. It's nice in there!

set up for TWC Gala
Then Monday night we all had the TWC Gala. The food was great and it was kind of a nice change of pace. I also got to wear my fancy dress for something besides a sorority/fraternity formal! :)

Olympic sign at the picnic
Thursday was the NGK picnic. It really was a lot of fun! I played dodgeball, cornhole (a.k.a. bean bag toss), badminton, watermelon eating contest and water balloon toss. I'm not the best at cornhole and I came in 5th out of 6 people in the watermelon eating contest, but it was all a lot of fun! Not only was it a good to get outside on a weekday, but I also feel like I got to know a lot more people and learn more about people I already knew.

Washington Monument & reflecting pool
Friday wasn't too interesting until about 8 at night. Mariah and I decided to walk the National Mall because we didn't go on the night tour with the TWC group. Washington at night is so pretty!! I also found out that my camera can actually take some really good photos! All of the other pictures I took are at the end of this post. I couldn't get them all to fit in this little area.

Library of Congress ceiling

Library of Congress inside
Then Saturday we went to the Library of Congress, saw Thomas Jefferson's personal library and also got a library card! The building is so pretty inside!

Sean Paul

After we finished up there, we started to head toward Gallery Place/Chinatown for the TCU-Iowa State game. Before I get to the game, we ran into a street festival. We didn't think anything of it, but stopped because the music was good. Well, it turned out the performer was none other than Sean Paul! Now back to the game, it was the one most wish didn't end the way it did. It was the first game without Casey Pachall and with Trevone Boykin as the starting quarerback. Unfortunately, he didn't have the necessary practice time, and TCU got its first loss. Don't worry, this story has gotten better since the Iowa State game.

Spirit of St. Louis
Sunday was a full day also. It was a gloomy day, but we went to Eastern Market, which is a nice little farmer's market with many types of goodies to be found. Then we headed down to the Air and Space Museum. Mariah left after the guided tour, but I stayed until they announced the museum was closed at 5:30. I think I saw everything I wanted! I could probably spend another day in there, though. I took a lot more pictures than just of the Spirit of St. Louis, but they haven't been uploaded yet. Those will come later.

Pictures from the National Mall:

Lincoln Memorial

Washington Monument and Capitol
White House

WWII Memorial