Thursday, August 23, 2012

Yesterday was just too packed that I forgot to add a post.

Yesterday we went to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and got to learn all about what the Chamber does in the "echo chamber" of Washington. Pretty interesting to hear.

On our way to our next site visit (AP offices/newsroom) we passed through President's Park and went to the White House. It was so pretty, and I have to say the park and that area reminded me of London!

Then we went to the Associated Press, which was really cool because we got to take a tour of the AP newsrooms. We also got to talk to the director of news operations and finance, the executive producer for radio and audio, the director of video operation and two Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative reporters. They all definitely had some cool stories about their time in the field and in the newsroom.

Then today we got to go to have lunch with Todd Gillman, the chief of the Dallas Morning News' Washington bureau. We had a great conversation with him! I would say that our lunch with him was my favorite site visit conversation so far. He was very personable and the conversation flowed easily and was very candid. It was great to get to know what goes on with a professional journalist beneath the surface level of the job description.

After that we went to the Pew Research Center. We found out everything about the Pew and how media affects us and the Pew Research Center. It was pretty interesting.

So far it's been quite a good time! Tomorrow it's off to the Newseum!

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